Cranberry Project

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The Cranberry Project                   

The Cranberry is a java library that allows to write less code - it’s automatically plugs into your project build and sweets up your java.

The gif demonstraits how cranberry helps to write less code on the checking parameters implementation example for non-emptiness via usage of the @ NotEmpty annotation from the cranberry-statement module. This is one of opportunities which cranberry provides.

The demo of cranberry statement usage

More info


  • The api for the statements validation about not null values of the Object type;
  • The api for the statements validation about not empty values of the Map type, the Collection type, the Array and the String type;
  • The api for the statements validation about not blank values of the String type;
  • The api for the loggint method params;
  • The annotations for the injecting methods of this api into code during compilation.

Maven Installing

1 - Add this dependency to classpath in pom:


Example of dependency for installing cranberry-muffin module with version 0.13.0 is presented bellow


2 - Execute this with goal

clean install

Usage examples

The simple example below presents the the checking of a parameters on not null value without the specific exception message returns and not blank value with the specific exception message returns.

//Add the checking statements for method params
public List<SomeDetail> findSomeDetailbyUidAndTypeCode(@NotNull Long uid, 
    @NotEmpty("The Type Code must be not empty") String typeCode) {
    return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

The simple example below presents the the logging of a parameters of method with the specific message.

 * The example of {@code @LogParam} annotation usage on {@code List<String> param}.
 * <p>
 * When this method is called, the parameters will be displayed in the log;
 * Messages in the log will label the format {@char "message param"} for each parameter.
@LogParam(message = "Start execution with param =")
public static void runWithCustomMessage(List<String> param) {
            .forEach(eachParam -> {

More examples